Why We All Need a Walkabout
A reflection pulled from Matthew McConaughey’s book, Greenlights.
We are more constantly bombarded by unnatural stimuli than ever before.
We need to put ourselves in quiet places so we can hear the background signals of our own brains.
As the noise outside decreases, the signals inside become clearer. We can hear ourselves again, and we reunite.
Time alone simplifies the heart.
Memory catches up, opinions form.
We meet truth again, and it teaches us that we don’t need to feel lonely when alone.
Our unconscious mind has room to reveal itself, and we see it again.
Our souls become anonymous, the ego dissolves, and we realize that we are stuck with the one person we can never be rid of: ourselves.
In accepting that, life becomes about making that person someone worth sharing eternity with. And here lies the evolution.
When we return to civilization, we are reborn.